Women and Poverty: A Gendered Analysis for Poverty Reduction in Alberta
Text: From http://homelesshub.ca/resource/gendered-analysis-poverty-reduction-alberta#sthash.xfGce2M1.dpuf
Attend this Conference in Edmonton: When Cities Lead
Text: From http://events.tamarackcommunity.ca/cities-summit2016?utm_campaign=2016_MayorsSummit&utm_content=26490275&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter
UK Supermarket Donates all Unwanted Food to Charity
Morrisons to donate all unwanted food to charity
Text: From…
Comox Valley voters approve tax to fund homelessness projects
Text: From http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/comox-valley-homeless-tax-1.3346435
Iowa Barber Gives Free Haircuts to Kids Who Read to Him
Text: From http://www.people.com/article/iowa-barber-free-haircuts-kids-read
Albuquerque Mayor puts the homeless to work
The city of Albuquerque, New Mexico, used to ticket people for…