Free Tax Clinics 2023
We know how important it is for people to complete their taxes…

Feedback to the City of Red Deer's 2020 Operating Budget
Each year CAPRA provides feedback to the City of Red Deer’s…

Chew On This! 2019
On October 17th, the International Day for the Eradication of…

Poverty in Red Deer: A needs and opportunities assessment
On Wednesday May 22 over 60 citizens of the community were able…

Feedback to the City of Red Deer's 2019 Operating Budget
Each year CAPRA provides feedback to the City of Red Deer’s…

Consultant needed to to assist in the completion of a Needs and Opportunity Assessment
In 2017, CAPRA received funds from the City of Red Deer to conduct…

Tax Time is Here! Don't lose out on benefits you could receive by filing your income tax.
There are benefits to filing your income taxes. Even if you…

CAPRA Feed back to the City of Red Deer Operating Budget
For the second year, CAPRA has provided feedback to the City…

Red Deer municipal candidates weigh in on social issues
This election season, the Central Alberta Poverty Reduction Alliance…